Bel Air Heights Residential Latest Rental Property Search Result for Lease.

1 results of property for lease
District select: Diamond Hill

Bel Air Heights Estate

Bel Air Heights is located at 1 Lung Poon Street, Diamond Hill, Kowloon. The developer is HONG KONG HOUSING SOCIETY, the Occupation date starts from February 1999. It consists of 4 buildings with a total of 798 residential units, designed from 2 bedrooms to 3 bedrooms, with salesable area from 442 to 657 sq.ft.. There is good public transport, about 3 mins walking distance to MTR. POA School Net is 45, Secondary school district is in Wong Tai Sin.

See Bel Air Heights estate's sold price history, floor plans and more information.

Diamond Hill Bel Air Heights | Flat E, Lower Floor, Block 2, Low Floor

Gross Area: 826 ft² @27.8
Saleable Area: 657 ft² @35
Midland Realty
Lease HKD$23,000
Free in Market
3 bedrooms
North east
Home Ownership
New mortgage plan - P Plan
P = 5.625 %
interest rate
Actual rate
Cash Rebate
Penalty Years

Bank enquiry Tel: 27488080

Updated: 2024-09-21

New mortgage plan - H Plan
H = 3.65 %
interest rate
Actual rate
Cash Rebate
Penalty Years

Bank enquiry Tel: 27102288

Updated: 2024-09-21