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Sell Price |
Sell HKD$19.8 Millions +
"+" represent target price may be higher than the labeled price. Interested buyer can negotiate based on it.
Valuation (Provided by User) |
HKD$20 Millions
Mortgage Monthly Repayment |
Initial Payment HKD$7.92 Millions, Mortgage Ratio 60%
Interest Rate 3%, Years 25
The above payment is for reference only.
Gross Area |
1,384 ft²
Unit Price: @14,306
Saleable Area |
1,115 ft²
Unit Price: @17,758
Estate |
Laguna Verde COSTA DEL SOL
Kowloon Hung Hom
Block and Unit: Unit B,High Floor,TOWER 12A,COSTA DEL SOL
Building age: 20 Year
Floor zone |
High Floor
Room and Bathroom |
4 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
Pri School Net |
Sec School Net |
Address |
8 Laguna Verde Avenue