The Sq Ft Price of Tin Shui Wai First-Hand Project for HKD9,988 Is Close to That of Kingswood Villas.

28Hse Editor  2019-12-27  #New Properties
Wetland Seasons Park offers prices, with the lowest price in the first batch for HKD4.8 million. A series of holidays for Christmas and New Year's Day did not hindered the pace of new project sales. Yesterday, SHKP announced the price list of the first batch of 142 units from 410 sq ft to 696 sq ft in Wetland Seasons Park, Tin Shui Wai, and the prices are HKD5.858 million to HKD9.036 million, with the sq ft prices at HKD12,180 to HKD15,003. Based on the maximum discount of 18%, the discounted selling prices are HKD4.804 million to HKD7.409 million, and the discounted sq ft prices range from HKD9,988 to HKD12,302, with the discounted average sq ft price at HKD11,388. Among them, houses under discounted prices of HKD6 million account for 119 units, and all two-bedroom units are involved. The market is generally optimistic about its sales performance because the sq ft prices of this batch are close to that of Kingswood Villas in the same district and the second-hand property sq ft prices for HOS houses after land premium. The No.1 price list of Wetland Seasons Park offers four payment methods, including cash payment plan, flexible payment plan, first housing payment plan, and upgrade smart payment plan. Among them, the cash payment plan enjoys a maximum of 18% discount, and the remaining three are construction period payment methods, which can enjoy a 1% to 12.5% discount. The cheapest unit is room B2 on the first floor of Block 21, which is a two-bedroom (open kitchen) unit for a discounted price of HKD4.804 million. The sample flat will be opened today and the sales will start next week. SHKP states that the market value of these 142 units exceeds HKD950 million. The project will open a sample flat for public visits today and will accept the letters of purchase intent on the same day as the soonest, while the sales will be likely to start next week. The current price list includes 112 two-bedroom units and 30 three-bedroom units, covering layouts of two-bedroom (open kitchen), two-bedroom with a storage room(open kitchen), three-bedroom (open kitchen), three-bedroom one suite with a working room (open kitchen), and three-bedroom one suite with a storage room, and all are standard tiered houses. The Proxy General manager of SHKP, Wo Chi-yuen expresses, two types of sample flats which are room B5 on the 8th floor of block 20 and room A1 on the 8th floor of block 21 respectively were opened yesterday. The former is in the layout of two-bedroom (open kitchen) in 425 sq ft; the latter is 696 sq ft in the layout of three-bedroom one suite unit with a storage room. Wo Chi-yuen: The best timing for launching projects. Wo Chi-yuen continues to expresses that, the property market in Hong Kong was affected by the Sino-US trade war and "social events", strengthening the wait and see attitude of some prospective buyers, but market atmosphere has improved due to the recent progressed Sino-US trade war, the rebounded stock market, and the increased positive factors, so the Group believed it is the best time to launch projects, also buyers will regain confidence and purchasing power. He also points out that, the number of HOS applicants exceeded 300,000 in the past and the US Federal Reserve cut interest rates, showing that the strong demand from users in the market, and it is also conducive to buyers entering the market. In addition, he points out that, the Group estimates the first-hand transactions volume this year to nearly 19,000 and expects the property market performance will fluctuate within a narrow range next year, with stable and healthy performance. The Vertex firstly records an abandoned transaction. At the same time, The Vertex in Cheung Sha Wan firstly records an abandoned transaction. This project put on sale the first round on last Tuesday (17th), and 16 units were sold on one day. According to the online transaction register, room D which is open style unit in 244 sq ft on the 8th floor of the West Wing was sold for HKD6.233 million on the same day with the sq ft price of HKD25,545, and buyer chose construction period payment method, but the trading did not progress and finally ended as abandoned transaction, thus it is estimated the buyer would lose more than HKD311,000 based on a 5% deposit.
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