The average cash payment (property price decreases 6%) sq ft price ( calculated by cover area) of the additional launched units is HKD 10,455.

New Properties  2013-01-10  #New Properties
Developer launched 6 new price lists yesterday. Thereinto, it includes 5 platform units in low floor involving parking place. The cover area sq ft price is HKD 10,455 ( If by usable area, the sq ft price is HKD 13,259) calculating by cash payment method which is 6% discount of property price. According to the price list and base on cash payment calculation, the lowest cover area sq ft price is HKD 9,806 (If by usable area, the sq ft price is HKD 12,479). The unit at this price is located in room B, 7th floor, building 3A with cover area in 1,195 sq ft and usable area is 939 sq ft. The sale price of it is HKD 11.718 million. The highest cover area sq ft price is HKD 12,032 (If by usable area, the sq ft price is HKD 15,031). The unit at this price is located in room C, 5th floor, building 1A (including one parking place) . The cover area of it is 1,253 sq ft and the usable area is 1,003 sq ft connecting with platform in 575 sq ft. The sale price is HKD 15.076 million. Developer expressed, the units in first batch of the project are all sold out. The price of this batch is higher about 3%-5% than the first batch’s. It is predicted that they will be put on sale this Saturday and the mark-up of next batch will estimated to be 10%.
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