紅磡-黃埔新村 成交新聞



地區及屋苑: 紅磡-黃埔新村
成交價:542 萬元 呎價: @10423
建築面積:520 平方呎
實用面積:375 平方呎
由地產代理公司提供:富恒物業有限公司 S-367239
代理人資料:林先生 Jacky Lam Tel:60715645

Disclaimer: All wordings and pictures which indicated 28HSE editor are the copyright of 28HSE LIMITED. Acknowledgement is required if other parts of this publication are used. The content is for reference only, does not constitute investment advice and it does not mean that 28HSE agreed the points. The area which show in the article is salable area if there is no special circumstances. The pictures is for reference also.

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