Ocean Shores #3044703 For Sale Property Detail Page

Id# 3044703
No: CR08512185 (by agent)

Tiu Keng Leng Ocean Shores [Agency Ads]
Room E, Block 11, Phase 3, Middle Floor
(2 Bedrooms, High-Rise, Open) Recommended By Winner

Lijia Court gives you a 100% confidence guarantee for real estate,
If you are looking for a comfortable place to live in, invest, exchange for rent, etc.,
- Provide information on second-hand properties in various districts
- Mainly responsible for real estate in Tseung Kwan O District (Tiu Keng Leng, Tseung Kwan O , Hang Hau, Po Lam and LOHAS Park)
- In addition to being responsible for second-hand bamboo shoot properties in various districts, I am also responsible for first-hand new pr ...

Normal Ads
1 month ago posted
Good view
Created:2024-05-16 | Updated:2024-06-13
Mobile QRCode
Sell Price
Sell HKD$7.2 Millions
Valuation (Provided by User)
HKD$7.63 Millions
Mortgage Monthly Repayment
Initial Payment HKD$2.16 Millions, Mortgage Ratio 70%
Interest Rate 3%, Years 25
The above payment is for reference only.
Gross Area
717 ft²
Unit Price: @10,042
Saleable Area
520 ft²
Unit Price: @13,846
Ocean Shores
New Territories Tiu Keng Leng
Block and Unit: Room E, Block 11, Phase 3
Building age: 23 Year
Direction (Living Room)
North east
Floor zone
Middle Floor
Room and Bathroom
2 bedrooms 1 bathroom
Pri School Net
Sec School Net
88 O King Road
Tiu Keng Leng( Mtr Station )
441 m

Property Agency Company

Company License Number: C-002504


Winner Lau Name Card

Personal License Number: S220483

Tel:  852-98203xxx

757ft² @ $14,769
Land Registry
3 Rooms
HKD$11.18 Millions
+ 178.1%
543ft² @ $13,683
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$7.43 Millions
+ 269.7%
516ft² @ $5,230
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$2.699 Millions
- 68.3%
530ft² @ $13,547
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$7.18 Millions
- 18.4%
498ft² @ $14,819
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$7.38 Millions
- 16.9%
496ft² @ $15,625
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$7.75 Millions
+ 213.8%
498ft² @ $14,819
Market Info
2 Rooms
HKD$7.38 Millions
515ft² @ $14,621
Market Info
2 Rooms
HKD$7.53 Millions
516ft² @ $14,147
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$7.3 Millions
+ 248.3%
674ft² @ $14,985
Land Registry
3 Rooms
HKD$10.1 Millions
+ 211.0%
To avoid any fraud. We recommend No any prior online payment to the landlord or agency before site inspection or face to face greeting.
Our admin will manually verify all agency identity registration. If you find any mis-presentation or conduct by the agency, you can use the complaint form to inform us. Our admin will take every reported case seriously. Or you can submit your case to EAA (Tel: 852-21112777) directly by quotating the AdsId. We are always working with EAA to handle every cases happend on 28Hse.