No: 021086 (by agent)
Mobile QRCode | |
Monthly Rental |
Lease HKD$23,000
Saleable Area |
425 ft²
Unit Price: @54.1
Estate |
The Vantage
Kowloon Hung Hom
Block and Unit: High Floor,The Vantage
Building age: 3 Year
Direction (Living Room) |
South east
Floor zone |
High Floor
Room and Bathroom |
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Pri School Net |
Sec School Net |
Address |
No.63 Ma Tau Wai Road
Tsuen Wan West Station Bus Terminus( Bus Stop )
57 m
Bailey Street Hung Hom( Bus Stop )
71 m
Pak Kung Street( Bus Stop )
76 m