Village #3182234 For Sale Property Detail Page

Id# 3182234
No: 508018994 (by agent)

Yuen Long Village [Agency Ads]
Yuen Long [Real Walk Yuen Long West Rail] Village House

^_^ Built 6 0 0 sq. ft.

^_^ The third floor is connected to the rooftop

^_^ Walking to the Yuen Long West Railway

^_^ Sufficient livelihood facilities

^_^ YOHO large shopping mall
^_^ Lifestyle department stores and supermarkets
^_^ Chinese and Western restaurants and food
^_^ Recreation and recreation equipment
^_^ Bus transportation hub
^_^ Hong Kong and Kowloon Airport ports
^ _^ Air-conditioning and instant hot water boiler

^_^ Whole-ho ...

Village House
Golden Ads
24 days ago posted
Created:2024-09-21 | Updated:2024-09-21
Mobile QRCode
Sell Price
Sell HKD$2.68 Millions
Mortgage Monthly Repayment
Initial Payment HKD$0.8 Millions, Mortgage Ratio 70%
Interest Rate 3%, Years 25
The above payment is for reference only.
Gross Area
600 ft²
Unit Price: @4,467
New Territories Yuen Long
Block and Unit: House
Yuen Long

Property Agency Company

Company Address: Shop 4, G/f, 68 Kau Yuk Road, Yuen Long, N.t.
Company License Number: C-006335
Sell: 42 Rental: 13
Cheung Ho Realty


Cheung Ho Realty

Personal License Number: C-006335

Tel:  852-64350xxx

To avoid any fraud. We recommend No any prior online payment to the landlord or agency before site inspection or face to face greeting.
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