No: Cs15746192 (by agent)
Mobile QRCode | |
Sell Price |
Sell HKD$8.73 Millions
Valuation (Provided by User) |
HKD$7.2 Millions (BOC)
Mortgage Monthly Repayment |
Initial Payment HKD$2.62 Millions, Mortgage Ratio 70%
Interest Rate 3%, Years 25
The above payment is for reference only.
Gross Area |
1,188 ft²
Unit Price: @7,348
Saleable Area |
828 ft²
Unit Price: @10,543
Estate |
Hanley Villa
New Territories Tsuen Wan
Block and Unit: Room B, Tower 7, Hang Lai Garden
Building age: 30 Year
Direction (Living Room) |
South east
Floor zone |
High Floor
Room and Bathroom |
3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Pri School Net |
Sec School Net |
Address |
Nos.18-22 Yau Lai Road
Golden Villa( Bus Stop )
139 m
Yau Kom Tau( Bus Stop )
261 m
Approach Beach( Bus Stop )
331 m