The Parkside #3164812 For Sale Property Detail Page

Id# 3164812
No: AS198302842 (by agent)

Tseung Kwan O The Parkside [Agency Ads]
Under Ground
Commission-Free Direct Developer, No Ownership Rights And Usage Restrictions. Charging Stations Are

The Parkside, located at 18 Chun Street, South, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong, is a private residential estate owned by Wheelock Group. It was designed by Lu Yuanxiang Architects and constructed by Kinmen Architecture. The property is divided into three 28-storey buildings, providing a total of 591 units. It was launched for sale in November 2014 and completed in September 2016.

Motor bike CarPark
Residential CarPark
Normal Ads
1 month ago posted
Created:2024-09-04 | Updated:2024-09-04
Mobile QRCode
Sell Price
Sell HKD$1.6 Millions +
"+" represent target price may be higher than the labeled price. Interested buyer can negotiate based on it.
Mortgage Monthly Repayment
Initial Payment HKD$0.8 Millions, Mortgage Ratio 50%
Interest Rate 3%, Years 15
The above payment is for reference only.
The Parkside
New Territories Tseung Kwan O
Building age: 8 Year
Floor zone
Under Ground
Pri School Net
Sec School Net
No.18 Tong Chun Street

Property Agency Company

Company License Number: C-002504
Sell: 86 Rental: 18
Ricacorp Properties Limited



Personal License Number: S-543155

Tel:  852-52869xxx

English    Cantonese    Mandarin

Alan Szeto

Personal License Number: S-459399

Tel:  852-69969xxx

English    Cantonese    Mandarin
726ft² @ $15,066
Land Registry
3 Rooms
HKD$10.938 Millions
+ 36.6%
727ft² @ $15,045
Market Info
3 Rooms
HKD$10.938 Millions
519ft² @ $15,857
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$8.23 Millions
+ 36.7%
520ft² @ $15,827
Market Info
2 Rooms
HKD$8.23 Millions
750ft² @ $17,507
Land Registry
3 Rooms
HKD$13.13 Millions
+ 37.5%
713ft² @ $16,494
Land Registry
3 Rooms
HKD$11.76 Millions
- 2.0%
541ft² @ $16,137
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$8.73 Millions
- 12.7%
541ft² @ $16,636
Land Registry
2 Rooms
HKD$9 Millions
+ 50.0%
727ft² @ $15,475
Market Info
3 Rooms
HKD$11.25 Millions
541ft² @ $16,137
Market Info
2 Rooms
HKD$8.73 Millions
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